March 09, 2025

About measuring software

With advanced measurement software, the machine shop can measure almost any shape while the part is in a clamped state.

Lockheed Martin uses PC-Dmis/NC 3D verification software for on-line finished product testing.

Metrolosys software uses G-code programs to drive the probe to perform on-line measurements of part features.

Lockheed Martin’s missile and ignition control facility in Orlando, Florida, implemented “true online” part inspections. Using dedicated server-based measurement software, the plant can run complex 2D part measurement programs on multiple machines, correlate results to analyze individual components, compare results from different machine tools, and generate documents. The software provides Lockheed Martin a full range of process control packages that outperform standard measurement macro functions. Lockheed Martin's testing program is based on Wilcox and Associates Inc. PC-Dmis/NC on-board 3D verification software. Wilcox and Associates is a subsidiary of Hexagon Measurements. Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin performs a complete finished product inspection on the cutting machine tool, eliminating the need to remove the part from the fixture and transfer it to a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). With on-line part inspection, the shop can also reduce or skip some of the previously necessary quality inspection steps, eliminating bottlenecks in the plant CMM workload. According to Jan de Nijs, senior raw material manufacturing engineer at Lockheed Martin, PC-Dmis/NC implements a true CMM function for the machine in the factory. This is necessary because, after machining a part, the finished product inspection needs to be based on all part references and the measured characteristics are evaluated based on the reference structure. All parts of Lockheed Martin are dimensioned according to the ANSI Y14 5M1982 standard. Therefore, the software must properly define these benchmarks on the machine to complete the finished product inspection. In Lockheed Martin, PC-Dmis/NC is installed on a single server PC (connected to multiple simultaneous machine tools). When starting the on-machine part inspection process, the factory offline is generated using PC-Dmis/NC alone. The measurement program. The software post-processes the program into machine tool G and M codes and sends it to the appropriate machine tool and the operator selects the program from the machine tool controller. Since the measurement program is generated using PC-Dmis/NC, it is executed. It will automatically send a report to the server running PC-Dmis/NC. When starting the measurement program, the server starts to collect measurement results. It will “listen” to these results for analysis, generate geometric dimension and tolerance (GD&T) reports, mark errors or print out dimensions. It can also update machine tool offset compensation when needed. Wilcox and Associates said PC-Dmis/NC for machine tools is a measurement software developed for the CMM. The program has the same functionality both for measuring and determining geometry and tolerances. The machine version is suitable for machining centers, multi-tasking machine tools and lathes, as well as any other machine that can be equipped with a probe. Lockheed Martin is using the program to reduce the workload of the CMM by increasing the number of component sampling intervals; it is not trying to eliminate the CMM. After completing the first inspection on the CMM, the shop can verify on-board inspection whether the processing of its process is in compliance with the requirements. For example, Lockheed Martin instead of every three parts but extended to 10 parts separated by CMM inspection, or let the CMM only focus on detecting key features. Another benefit is that, due to the reduced testing requirements, pipeline operations can be implemented at the factory. Like Lockheed Martin, a large number of factories are conducting some kind of online measurement. Whether it is for finished product inspection, adaptive work (see “Adaptive machining” note below), or verification of the part's position in the fixture, recent developments in measurement software technology have made these tasks easier. For example, UGS's NX5 software gives NC programmers the ability to program probes. The software makes online measurement an NC operation in a part program, unlike the easy-to-produce error approach, which involves manually inserting measurement programs into G and M code files. The NX5 software moves the probe around the workpiece. As a tool. Thanks to the effective use of CAM path technology, the software can control the probe into more complex positions than the manual probe. NX5 software users can accurately determine how the probe moves to a specific location or locations before measuring. In fact, the NC programmer can not only define the measurement operation - the probe path and where to measure - but it can also be simulated before operation. Unlike manual measurements, the NS5 has an accurate visual simulation function to detect potential collisions in advance. The probe simulation was performed in NS5 software in an interactive, single-step manner. When the programmer adds a measurement step, he can see that step. There is no lag between programming and simulation. Sharad Mundra, a product manager at Marposs, said that due to advances in probes and side-loading software, jobs previously performed at the factory using CMMs can now be performed on the machine. Advanced probes can operate on 2 half shafts, move any part vector, and measure parts. They are designed to have a tolerance of 1 μm repeatability. These functions are indispensable for on-machine part inspection using programs such as Marpos' 3D shape inspector measurement software. normally. Run measurement macros from the machine's controller. But Mundra said that such measurement procedures only work in two dimensions. His company's program is designed for three-dimensional operation and can be measured on a machine tool in a variety of specially shaped parts, including bevels and cones. The program is designed for contact- or probing-positions of up to 20 points to complete the measurement process. The software is either installed in the controller of the machine or installed in an external PC. It is a CMM software program that Marposs converted into a G code qualification test and verification tool (for moving machine axes). During part programming, Marposs 3D shape inspector software generates a CMM that can generate any type of report including GD&T. Each factory can also change the type of report according to its own needs. For example, they can generate a GD&T report to immediately remeasure a out-of-tolerance workpiece without removing it and sending it to the CMM. The Metrolosys measurement software from Creative Products Co. also uses G-code programs to drive touch probes on CNC machines. Metrolosys software does not require special software or modifications to the machine CNC. It operates like a standard “jump” loop (usually G31) and produces an output statement (usually DPRNT) to pass through the machine's RS-232 port or other external port. send data. Since the software does not rely on dedicated programming macros and does not modify the machine settings, it is compatible with all CNC machines with probes. Its functions include G-code for measurement, Internet-enabled HTML detection reports, surface crash cutter models, built-in probes Calibration procedures and DMIS tracking capabilities, in addition, it also meets ASME U14.5M standard requirements. Reluctance to use on-line measurement techniques Most factories are reluctant to make in-circuit part measurements because the machine cannot cut while measuring. Marposs' Sharad Mundra said: "If the machine tool is measuring, then it can't cut." He also often meets potential customers. In these exchanges, Mundra convinces its customers that it is process control and how long it takes for the machine to shut down if the factory's CMM department finds a part to be unqualified. In addition, he does not recommend performing onboard testing for each part, instead. He asked the factory to specify a part measurement schedule that takes up very little cutting time. For example, in a batch of workpieces. They can detect once every 10, 20, or 40 parts. In the long-term operation, online inspections can take several minutes to avoid possible machine downtime due to machining errors, scrap and breakage or worn tools. Mundra suggested: "The factory needs to consider on-line measurement as a control process between the processing and inspection processes to form a 'first-pass' strategy." Not all machines can implement this function. The NS5 software's simulation capabilities accurately display the possibilities Knife situation. The machine shop can't simply pull out a machine that has been in use for the past five years and test the finished part on it. Lockheed Martin's Jan de Nijs said: “You must understand the machine tool, what it can do in terms of accuracy, what can't be done.” Lockheed Martin regularly calibrates machine tools for finished product testing, using the same calibration as on the CMM. Process (laser, ball bar, etc.). De Nijs said: “Although one may insist that the same machine tool that cuts the part cannot be used to measure its own machined part, in fact, as long as the factory puts the process/system in place and keeps the machine in a proper state of maintenance, calibration, and accuracy, This can be achieved.” Marabs’s Sharad Mundra said that factories that implement online measurements should spend at least 3 to 6 months on ball bar testing on these machines. Adaptive processing

Power Inspect OMV software guides the probe for adaptive processing.

In addition to finished product inspections, inspections of part clamp alignments, and determination of program start points, each facility uses online part measurement capabilities to perform “adaptive” or “progressive machining” operations that are commonly referred to as critical part sizes. Cut the part close to the finished size, and then use the online measurement function to make measurements, adjust the machine tool offset compensation accordingly, and then process the part to the tolerance range with the last cut. The online verification (OMV) version of Delcam's Power Inspect software targets the adaptive processing. With Power Inspect OMV, factories can perform error detection early and at all stages of the manufacturing process. For example, the operator can check the correct remaining amount remaining on the part after roughing, without having to wait until all the machining operations are completed and find that an error has occurred. Similarly. With this software, each plant can accurately evaluate any damage caused, for example, by tool breakage, and can immediately determine whether the parts can be machined within tolerances or only scrapped. In addition to the fully integrated simulation and crash tool inspection Power Inspect OMV also offers off-line programming of machine tool inspection programs. The software's multi-axis option supports 4, 5, or 6-axis devices, and the main advantage of these options is that they can be detected in the lower area of ​​the cutting without repositioning the workpiece. Delcam claims that Power Inspect OMV is most useful for factories that do not currently have inspection capabilities but have CNC machine tools. For UGS, adaptive processing is the future direction of development. The company is dedicated to the acquisition of the adaptive machining data into the machine controller registers. Apply logic on the machine in real time. Basically, the machine tool can automatically adjust the offset compensation based on the "if-then" condition. Or according to the situation foreseen by UGS, the machine tool can trace back to the CAM software, and based on the previous online measurement results, the specified tool path can be effectively changed or deleted or the new path can be recalculated. This function is all packaged in a ready-made software

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