March 10, 2025

NI Introduces Industry's First High-Performance PXI Chassis and Controller

-- PXI Express features bring industry-leading synchronization performance and backward compatibility news release - April 2006 - National Instruments (NI) announces the industry's first PCI Express-based technology The PXI chassis and controller provide up to 1 GB/s of dedicated bandwidth per slot. Engineers can now use the new PXI Express chassis and controllers to improve the performance of existing PXI systems and integrate future high-bandwidth PXI Express modules. The latest PXI specification increases PXI Express's bandwidth by 45 times compared to PXI. According to this specification, the new chassis and controllers add a new set of features that integrate the industry's best synchronization and timing, and can be used with existing The software is compatible with more than 1,000 PXI modules. By increasing throughput and improving measurement accuracy, the new product will be ideal for high-channel, high-throughput or multi-module applications such as IF streaming, mixed-signal or image acquisition.
“Because of the cost-effective test solution, Flextronics has adopted the PXI test platform as its test standard platform.” Hans Nyström, head of the test and verification group at Flextronics, said, “In the communications industry, PCI Express is rapidly becoming a standard interface. In order to provide matching performance, PCI Express technology in the PXI platform will naturally become the dominant technology in this field, thus solving various applications with increasing bandwidth."

The NI PXIe-1062Q 8-slot chassis provides up to 1 GB/s of dedicated bandwidth per slot, as well as PXI slots and PXI Express slots, similar to modern PCs that offer both PCI and PCI Express slots. The chassis includes a PXI Express system slot, a PXI Express slot with system timing, and four PXI peripheral slots. In addition, the chassis provides two PXI Express hybrid slots for both PXI and PXI Express modules. Two hybrid and four PXI peripheral slots These six slots can be used with more than 1,000 PXI modules available on the market.

The NI PXIe-8103 embedded controller includes a 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium M 760 processor that delivers up to 250 MB/s of dedicated bandwidth per channel and up to 1 GB/s of system bandwidth. Engineers can also choose MXI-Express's PXI Express controllers NI PXIe-PCIe836x and NI PXIe-ExpressCard8360 for desktop PCs and laptops to control PXI Express systems to 250 MB/s system bandwidth. Since the PXI Express specification allows up to 2 GB/s of dedicated bandwidth per slot, PXI Express chassis and controllers, which will be available at the end of 2006, will deliver higher bandwidth performance.

In addition to hardware compatibility, PXI Express products are backward compatible with existing software for PXI systems. PCI Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG), PCI Express guarantees compatibility on the underlying bus, ensuring that engineers do not need to do Any software changes to use the new product on existing systems.

"With PXI Express, the PXI platform can now solve higher performance applications," said Tim Dehne, senior vice president of global research and development at NI. "PXI Express brings the industry's highest bandwidth and the lowest system latency in a fully compatible software."

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